4 min read

Industry best practice on your ERP implementation

Rukshan B.


Best Practices ERP Implementation

“Industry best practices” is a common term in the ERP world, where most of the ERPs utilize standard practices in the industry to build their ERP solutions. Best practices are a collection of norms & methods which are commonly accepted as successful practices by the industry professional and successful entities. In the context of ERP solutions, integrating industry best practices are important to fasten the implementation process and benefit from industry best practices that are tested and proven to be effective.

Benefits of having the best practices on your ERP implementation

  1. Quick delivery with a predictable outcome
  2. Incorporation of industry practices to align workflows according to successful similar companies.
  3. Professionally produced technical solutions.
  4. Broadly tested and verified with fewer possible errors and risks.
  5. Reduce the total cost of ownership.

Industry-specific ERP solutions with industry best practices would provide a greater level of adaptability within the particular industry and its micro-verticals with minimum configurations and customizations. The below illustration explains the exact benefits of using Industry-specific ERP solutions compared to the traditional ERP implementation approach.

 ERP Implementation System Approach


Every company has their way of doing things and completely replacing those workflows would alienate employees resulting lack of support for the new initiatives. On the other hand, our years of experience in implementing ERP is that no company is going to adopt an ERP as it is without personalizing it to the company. The interfaces, documents etc. are some frequently configured items that become different from one to another. Also, in many companies, there are unique configurations that might associate with their differential factors from others. An industry-specific ERP solution comes with a greater percentage of industry-best practices built-in within the system.

Benefits of having the best practices on your ERP implementation.

  • Quick delivery with a predictable outcome.
  • Incorporation of industry practices to align workflows according to successful similar companies.
  • Professionally produced technical solutions.
  • Broadly tested and verified with fewer possible errors and risks.
  • Reduce the total cost of ownership.

Selecting a correct ERP and a solution provider is the greatest challenge you have where selecting a wrong ERP can lead you to bear an unnecessary amount of money for expensive additional configuration along with your time value out of lengthy implementation process.

Platned as an expert in providing ERP solutions helps you to select the right ERP system to deliver the best value for your company while taking you through a reliable journey towards your digital transformation. We specially focus on providing industry-specific ERP solutions where close to 60% of the system comes in the core product and only the balance you will have to customize with simple deployment configurations and unique configurations.

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